martedì 20 ottobre 2009


"Attention!!! It`s still not confirmed by J. Tune...
I know that this is inevitable but I was hoping that he still has at least two years left... sad.gif
10.20.09 [The Daily Apple] Rain To Do Military Service Next Year; Going To Hong Kong On Saturday ohmy.gif
South Korean pop sensation Rain had plans on having his Asian concert tour here in Hong Kong in December, but due to issues with the concert venue, it will be scheduled ahead of time on Nov 28th and 29th (name of venue in HK of which I don’t know), ticket prices varying between $1,280, 880, 680 and 380 HK dollars.
Temporary Absence For Two Years
It is reported that Rain will be going to perform his military service for two years starting next year in April, hence the concert that he will hold this time in Hong Kong will be his last show here before his absence from the entertainment world. This Saturday (the 24th), Rain will arrive in Hong Kong for concert promotional purposes, and at 3 pm the following day he will be at the W Hotel to announce further details during a press conference. He will return to Korea that same evening.
Source: The Daily Apple (Hong Kong)
Credit: scorpiola@RainHK
Eng Translation: dsl99a@Rain-USA // SexyBi //"
this info kills me! i hate korean military service, especially cuz it is for 24 months! do they know how is frustrating for a fan waiting for 2 years?!? T.T
when min ho too will leave i'll die for sure!
L'attore/cantante/ballerino 비/Rain, una tra le star coreane più affascinanti e complete della korea, che ha fatto sognare milioni e milioni di fan da "full house" a it's raining, nonchè uno degli ultimissimi capricci dell'attrice americana megan fox, partirà per il servizio militare ad aprile 2010, anche se nulla è ancora certo (speriamo!)...nooo anche lui dopo lee dong wook ci lascia! che tristezza! OMG!

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